Tovi Jaeschke-Rogers tovi
  • Joined on Apr 06, 2021
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tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

  • 8f595ce26d feat: remove macro_recording function from lualine

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

  • d3c5d1edca feat: convert vimscript autocmd to lua

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

  • 0fdb5a88fc feat: restructure neovim dotfiles layout

3 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

4 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

4 weeks ago

tovi pushed to main at tovi/datetime-duration-challenge

  • c55303af1f feat: add
  • e9d72c5d20 feat: Add API endpoint to calculate duration between two dates

4 weeks ago

tovi created repository tovi/datetime-duration-challenge

4 weeks ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/dotfiles

  • 586f89ba76 feat: remove noice and switch to tokyo-night

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/resume

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/resume

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/PersonalWebsite

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/PersonalWebsite

1 month ago

tovi pushed to master at tovi/PersonalWebsite

1 month ago