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- {\large tovi@tovijaeschke.xyz} --- \telprint{0474730997}
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- \begin{document}
- \title{R\'esum\'e}
- \author{Tovi Jaeschke-Rogers}
- \maketitle
- \section{Objective}
- I'm a determined and enthusiastic individual with a strong desire to learn
- and expand my skill set. My experience as a lead software developer has equipped
- me with valuable transferable skills, including strong organization, time
- management, attention to detail, and problem-solving abilities. I'm known for my
- honesty, punctuality, and reliability, and I'm eager to demonstrate these
- qualities in my next role. Additionally, I have a track record of working in
- and leading agile (scrum) development teams, and I excel in communication,
- whether with colleagues or external clients.
- \section{Skills}
- I possess an expertise in the Linux operating system, demonstrating proficiency
- in command-line operations and system administration. My fervour for cybersecurity
- extends to a comprehensive understanding of system vulnerabilities, enabling me
- to identify potential weaknesses and implement effective mitigation strategies.
- \subsection{Languages}
- \subsubsection{PHP}
- 6 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{JavaScript}
- 6 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{HTML and CSS}
- 6 years professional experience, 10 years personal experience
- \subsubsection{GO}
- 8 years personal experience
- \subsubsection{Python 3}
- 5 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{Java (Android App Devlopment)}
- 1 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{Lua}
- 2 years personal experience
- \subsubsection{Rust}
- 1 years personal experience
- \subsection{Technologies and Frameworks}
- \subsubsection{Linux Administration \& Bash}
- 6 years professional experience, 10 years personal experience
- \subsubsection{Laravel / Symfony}
- 6 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{Docker}
- 2 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{Vue}
- 2 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{TypeScript}
- 6 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{SQL (MySQL \& PostgreSQL)}
- 6 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{GraphQL}
- 1 year professional experience
- \subsubsection{Redis}
- 1 year professional experience
- \subsubsection{AWS}
- 2 years professional experience
- \subsubsection{Flutter Mobile Development}
- 1 years personal experience
- \subsection{Notable projects I have built}
- \subsubsection{Password Manager}
- A private project I've been developing which is near completion, uses encryption
- key-chains of asymmetric RSA, and symmetric AES keys to allow granting access
- through the organisation, groups, or directly to the user.
- \subsubsection{Construction planing and budgeting software}
- This utilises \href{https://paperjs.org/}{PaperJS} to draw shapes and calculate
- areas over construction blueprints, and determine how these will affect the budget of
- the planned project.
- \subsubsection{Linux Kernel Root Kit}
- As an exercise for interacting with the Linux kernel, and using the C language, I
- created a ring 0 root kit, that had the ability to hide processes, ports, and
- files / directories before they reached userspace. This was solely for learning
- purposes.
- \subsubsection{Truck and inventory tracking}
- To facilitate efficiently loading trucks with cargo, this project allowed the
- client and loading bay to know where each truck was on their route, and how far
- they were from their destination. This gave the loading bay ample time to organise
- the next section of cargo, and not be caught off guard.
- \section{Previous Experience}
- \subsubsection{Codium}
- Lead Software Developer (early 2022 - Present)
- \begin{itemize}
- \setlength\itemsep{0em}
- \item Full stack development using Laravel and Vue (v2 and v3)
- \item Management and maintenance of docker environments, and composer and npm packages
- \item Code review for colleagues, and assistance and training of new developers
- \item Security testing applications with tools such as
- \href{https://portswigger.net/burp}{BurpSuite},
- \href{https://sqlmap.org}{sqlmap}, and
- \href{https://www.zaproxy.org}{zap proxy}, along with manual testing
- of endpoints, and SSRF and XSS attack surfaces
- \end{itemize}
- \subsubsection{FOUR}
- Lead Software Developer (late 2019 - early 2022)
- \begin{itemize}
- \setlength\itemsep{0em}
- \item Full stack development of, and using the Symfony framework and bespoke
- frontend frameworks
- \item Management and maintenance of composer plugins, base Symfony framework,
- and other components
- \item Code review for colleagues, and training new developers
- \item Management of local development environment virtual machine
- configuration tools using vagrant and ansible
- \item Code deployment on, and administration of Linux servers
- \item Client meetings, writing scopes of work for clients, and email
- and phone communication with clients
- \end{itemize}
- \subsubsection{Internaut}
- Systems Administration (early 2019 - late 2019)
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Linux systems administration, including configuring off-site backups, full disk LVM/LUKS encryption, RAID
- \item Hardware maintenance for office computers
- \item General IT consultant
- \end{itemize}
- \subsubsection{Insul-vest Australia}
- IT support and general hand (2012 - 2014)
- \begin{itemize}
- \item General IT consulting for office staff
- \end{itemize}
- \subsubsection{Australian Blow Molders}
- IT support and general hand (2012 - 2015)
- \begin{itemize}
- \item General IT consulting for office staff
- \end{itemize}
- \subsubsection{Express Plastics}
- IT support and general hand (2013 - 2015)
- \begin{itemize}
- \item General IT consulting for office staff
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Education}
- \subsubsection{Blackwood High School}
- 2012 - 2013
- \subsubsection{Australian Science and Mathematics School}
- 2014 - 2016
- \end{document}