You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

72 lines
1.6 KiB

version = 2
final_space = true
console_title_template = '{{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}'
type = 'prompt'
alignment = 'left'
newline = true
type = 'path'
style = 'plain'
background = 'transparent'
foreground = 'blue'
template = '{{ .Path }}'
style = 'full'
type = 'git'
style = 'plain'
foreground = 'p:grey'
background = 'transparent'
template = ' {{ .HEAD }}{{ if or (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}*{{ end }} <cyan>{{ if gt .Behind 0 }}⇣{{ end }}{{ if gt .Ahead 0 }}⇡{{ end }}</>'
fetch_status = true
type = 'rprompt'
overflow = 'hidden'
type = 'executiontime'
style = 'plain'
foreground = 'yellow'
background = 'transparent'
template = '{{ .FormattedMs }}'
threshold = 5000
type = 'prompt'
alignment = 'left'
newline = true
type = 'text'
style = 'plain'
foreground_templates = [
"{{if gt .Code 0}}red{{end}}",
"{{if eq .Code 0}}magenta{{end}}",
background = 'transparent'
template = '❯'
foreground_templates = [
"{{if gt .Code 0}}red{{end}}",
"{{if eq .Code 0}}magenta{{end}}",
background = 'transparent'
template = '❯ '
foreground = 'magenta'
background = 'transparent'
template = '❯❯ '