- import 'dart:convert';
- import 'package:Envelope/utils/storage/get_file.dart';
- import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
- import 'package:pointycastle/export.dart';
- import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
- import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
- import '/database/models/friends.dart';
- import '/database/models/conversation_users.dart';
- import '/database/models/conversations.dart';
- import '/database/models/my_profile.dart';
- import '/exceptions/update_data_exception.dart';
- import '/utils/encryption/aes_helper.dart';
- import '/utils/storage/database.dart';
- import '/utils/storage/session_cookie.dart';
- class _BaseConversationsResult {
- List<Conversation> conversations;
- List<String> detailIds;
- _BaseConversationsResult({
- required this.conversations,
- required this.detailIds,
- });
- }
- class ConversationsService {
- static Future<void> saveConversation(Conversation conversation) async {
- final db = await getDatabaseConnection();
- db.update(
- 'conversations',
- conversation.toMap(),
- where: 'id = ?',
- whereArgs: [conversation.id],
- );
- }
- static Future<Conversation> addUsersToConversation(Conversation conversation, List<Friend> friends) async {
- final db = await getDatabaseConnection();
- var uuid = const Uuid();
- for (Friend friend in friends) {
- await db.insert(
- 'conversation_users',
- ConversationUser(
- id: uuid.v4(),
- userId: friend.friendId,
- conversationId: conversation.id,
- username: friend.username,
- associationKey: uuid.v4(),
- publicKey: friend.publicKey,
- admin: false,
- ).toMap(),
- conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
- );
- }
- return conversation;
- }
- static Future<void> updateConversation(
- Conversation conversation,
- {
- includeUsers = false,
- updatedImage = false,
- saveConversation = true,
- } ) async {
- if (saveConversation) {
- await saveConversation(conversation);
- }
- String sessionCookie = await getSessionCookie();
- Map<String, dynamic> conversationJson = await conversation.payloadJson(includeUsers: includeUsers);
- var resp = await http.put(
- await MyProfile.getServerUrl('api/v1/auth/conversations'),
- headers: <String, String>{
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
- 'cookie': sessionCookie,
- },
- body: jsonEncode(conversationJson),
- );
- if (resp.statusCode != 204) {
- throw UpdateDataException('Unable to update conversation, please try again later.');
- }
- if (!updatedImage) {
- return;
- }
- Map<String, dynamic> attachmentJson = conversation.payloadImageJson();
- resp = await http.post(
- await MyProfile.getServerUrl('api/v1/auth/conversations/${conversation.id}/image'),
- headers: <String, String>{
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
- 'cookie': sessionCookie,
- },
- body: jsonEncode(attachmentJson),
- );
- if (resp.statusCode != 204) {
- throw UpdateDataException('Unable to update conversation image, please try again later.');
- }
- }
- static Future<_BaseConversationsResult> _getBaseConversations() async {
- RSAPrivateKey privKey = await MyProfile.getPrivateKey();
- http.Response resp = await http.get(
- await MyProfile.getServerUrl('api/v1/auth/conversations'),
- headers: {
- 'cookie': await getSessionCookie(),
- }
- );
- if (resp.statusCode != 200) {
- throw Exception(resp.body);
- }
- _BaseConversationsResult result = _BaseConversationsResult(
- conversations: [],
- detailIds: []
- );
- List<dynamic> conversationsJson = jsonDecode(resp.body);
- if (conversationsJson.isEmpty) {
- return result;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < conversationsJson.length; i++) {
- Conversation conversation = Conversation.fromJson(
- conversationsJson[i] as Map<String, dynamic>,
- privKey,
- );
- result.conversations.add(conversation);
- result.detailIds.add(conversation.id);
- }
- return result;
- }
- static Conversation _findConversationByDetailId(List<Conversation> conversations, String id) {
- for (var conversation in conversations) {
- if (conversation.id == id) {
- return conversation;
- }
- }
- // Or return `null`.
- throw ArgumentError.value(id, 'id', 'No element with that id');
- }
- static Future<void> _storeConversations(Database db, Conversation conversation, Map<String, dynamic> detailsJson) async {
- conversation.messageExpiryDefault = detailsJson['message_expiry'];
- conversation.twoUser = AesHelper.aesDecrypt(
- base64.decode(conversation.symmetricKey),
- base64.decode(detailsJson['two_user']),
- ) == 'true';
- if (conversation.twoUser) {
- MyProfile profile = await MyProfile.getProfile();
- final db = await getDatabaseConnection();
- List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.query(
- 'conversation_users',
- where: 'conversation_id = ? AND user_id != ?',
- whereArgs: [ conversation.id, profile.id ],
- );
- if (maps.length != 1) {
- throw ArgumentError('Invalid user id');
- }
- conversation.name = maps[0]['username'];
- } else {
- conversation.name = AesHelper.aesDecrypt(
- base64.decode(conversation.symmetricKey),
- base64.decode(detailsJson['name']),
- );
- }
- if (detailsJson['attachment_id'] != null) {
- conversation.icon = await getFile(
- '$defaultServerUrl/files/${detailsJson['attachment']['image_link']}',
- conversation.id,
- conversation.symmetricKey,
- ).catchError((dynamic) async {});
- }
- await db.insert(
- 'conversations',
- conversation.toMap(),
- conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
- );
- List<dynamic> usersData = detailsJson['users'];
- for (var i = 0; i < usersData.length; i++) {
- ConversationUser conversationUser = ConversationUser.fromJson(
- usersData[i] as Map<String, dynamic>,
- base64.decode(conversation.symmetricKey),
- );
- await db.insert(
- 'conversation_users',
- conversationUser.toMap(),
- conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace,
- );
- }
- }
- static Future<void> updateConversations() async {
- _BaseConversationsResult baseConvs = await _getBaseConversations();
- if (baseConvs.detailIds.isEmpty) {
- return;
- }
- Map<String, String> params = {};
- params['conversation_detail_ids'] = baseConvs.detailIds.join(',');
- var uri = await MyProfile.getServerUrl('api/v1/auth/conversation_details');
- uri = uri.replace(queryParameters: params);
- http.Response resp = await http.get(
- uri,
- headers: {
- 'cookie': await getSessionCookie(),
- }
- );
- if (resp.statusCode != 200) {
- throw Exception(resp.body);
- }
- final db = await getDatabaseConnection();
- List<dynamic> conversationsDetailsJson = jsonDecode(resp.body);
- for (var i = 0; i < conversationsDetailsJson.length; i++) {
- Map<String, dynamic> detailsJson = conversationsDetailsJson[i] as Map<String, dynamic>;
- Conversation conversation = _findConversationByDetailId(baseConvs.conversations, detailsJson['id']);
- await _storeConversations(db, conversation, detailsJson);
- }
- }
- static Future<void> uploadConversation(Conversation conversation) async {
- String sessionCookie = await getSessionCookie();
- Map<String, dynamic> conversationJson = await conversation.payloadJson();
- var resp = await http.post(
- await MyProfile.getServerUrl('api/v1/auth/conversations'),
- headers: <String, String>{
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
- 'cookie': sessionCookie,
- },
- body: jsonEncode(conversationJson),
- );
- if (resp.statusCode != 204) {
- throw Exception('Failed to create conversation');
- }
- }
- static Future<void> updateMessageExpiry(String id, String messageExpiry) async {
- http.Response resp = await http.post(
- await MyProfile.getServerUrl(
- 'api/v1/auth/conversations/$id/message_expiry'
- ),
- headers: {
- 'cookie': await getSessionCookie(),
- },
- body: jsonEncode({
- 'message_expiry': messageExpiry,
- }),
- );
- if (resp.statusCode == 204) {
- return;
- }
- throw Exception('Cannot set message expiry for conversation');
- }
- }