# Smokeball JavaScript Coding Challenge ## System Requirements The coding challenge requires the following to be installed on your development machine; * [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) version 10 or above. * A [git](https://git-scm.com/downloads) client. ## Installation 1. Fork the `javascript-developer-test` repository to your personal github account. 2. Clone the `javascript-developer-test` repository from your personal github account onto your development machine. 3. Open a terminal and `cd` into the root directory of the `javascript-developer-test` repository. 4. Execute `npm install` in the terminal. ## Challenge Instructions Your challenge is to implement the `getArnieQuotes()` function, which is exported from `./src/get-arnie-quotes.js`. The `getArnieQuotes()` function accepts an array of strings, with each string containing a URL. The unit tests in `./src/get-arnie-quotes.test.js` will provide pre-defined URLs to the function and test your function's implementation. To run the unit tests, execute `npm test` in the terminal. The goal is to write an implementation of `getArnieQuotes()` that passes all unit tests. To pass the unit tests, `getArnieQuotes()` must perform the following on each passed URL 1. Perform a HTTP GET on the URL 2. If the HTTP status code of the response is 200, push an object to the results array with a single key `"Arnie Quote"` and the HTTP response body's `message` property as the key's associated value. 3. If the HTTP status code of the response is not 200, push an object to the results array with a single key `"FAILURE"` and the HTTP response body's `message` property as the key's associated value. Finally, the `getArnieQuotes()` function must return a promise that resolves to the overall results array. Note that for this challenge, the HTTP calls are mocked. You *must* use the provided `httpGet` function to perform your HTTP requests. ## Tips * Only modify the `get-arnie-quotes.js` file. * You may introduce additional internal functions in `get-arnie-quotes.js` * Exploring all of the code files may provide you with useful hints. * We are most impressed with readable code that works. * Keep your solution as simple as possible, input validation for `get-arnie-quotes()` is not required. * Code as if your `get-arnie-quotes()` function may one day be used against a real http implementation. ## Submission Once all unit tests pass, push your code upstream then send us the link to your github repo with your solution. Please do not create a pull request against the source repository. ## Docs ### `getArnieQuotes(urls)` ```jsdoc Executes a HTTP GET request on each of the URLs, transforms each of the HTTP responses according to the challenge instructions and returns the results. @param {string[]} urls The urls to be requested @return {Promise} A promise which resolves to a results array. An example results array: [ { 'Arnie Quote': 'Some cool quote' }, { 'FAILURE: 'Your request has been terminated' }, ] ``` ### `httpGet(url)` ```jsdoc Executes a faked HTTP GET request on the passed URL. @param {string} url The url upon which to perform a HTTP GET @return {Promise} A promise which resolves to a HTTP response. An example HTTP response: { status: 200, body: "{ 'message': 'Some cool arnie quote' }" // JSON string } ```