\documentclass{article} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{titling} \usepackage{telprint} \usepackage[margin=2.25cm]{geometry} \titleformat{\section} {\huge\bfseries} {} {0em} {}[\titlerule] \titleformat{\subsection} {\Large\bfseries} {} {0em} {} \titleformat{\subsubsection}[runin] {\bfseries\itshape} {} {0em} {}[ --- ] \titlespacing{\subsubsection} {0em}{.25em}{1em} \setlength{\parindent}{0em} \pagenumbering{gobble} \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \renewcommand{\maketitle}{ \begin{center} {\huge\bfseries \theauthor} \vspace{0.5em} {\large tovi@tovijaeschke.xyz} --- \telprint{0429344004} {\large https://tovijaeschke.xyz/ --- https://git.tovijaeschke.xyz/tovi/} \end{center} } \begin{document} \title{R\'esum\'e} \author{Tovi Jaeschke} \maketitle \section{Objective} I am a young, determined individual who is eager to learn new skills and develop my existing skill-set. I havegained valuable transferable skills throughout previous employment working as a lead software developer, which Iam enthusiastic to implement in my employment. I have strong organisation and time management skills whichhave assisted the efficiency of tasks being completed. I have a keen eye for attention to detail and I have excellentproblem solving skills. I am honest, punctual, reliable, and enthusiastic, and I would love the opportunity to provesuch qualities. I have experience working in and leading agile (scrum) development teams, and have exceptionalcommunication skills, both when it comes to conversing with co-workers, and external customers or clients. \section{Skills} I am proficient in navigating and configuring unix-like systems, and I am strongly adept with PHP, Go, Python3,and Web Development technologies. \subsection{Languages} \subsubsection{PHP} 3 years professional experience, 5 years personal experience \subsubsection{GO} 6 years personal experience \subsubsection{Python3} 3 years professional experience \subsubsection{Web Development} 5 years professional experience \subsection{Technologies} \subsubsection{Linux Administration \& Bash} 3.5 years professional experience, 8 years personal experience \subsubsection{Symfony} 3 years professional experience \subsubsection{SQL (MySQL \& PostgreSQL)} 3.5 years professional experience \subsubsection{TypeScript} 3 years professional experience \subsubsection{GraphQL} 1 year professional experience \subsubsection{Redis} 1 year professional experience \section{Previous Experience} \subsubsection{FOUR} Lead Software Developer (2019 - Present) \begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item Full stack development using the symfony framework (PHP, TypeScript, JavaScript) \item Management and maintenance of composer plugins, symfony framework, and other components \item Code review for collogues, and training new developers \item Management of a local development environment virtual machine using vagrant \item Deployment of code on, and administration of linux servers \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Internaut} Systems Administration (2019) \begin{itemize} \item Linux systems administration, including configuring off-site backups, full disk LVM/LUKS encryption, RAID \item Hardware maintenance for office computers \item General IT consultant \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Insul-vest Australia} IT support and general hand (2012 - 2014) \begin{itemize} \item General IT consulting for office staff \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Australian Blow Molders} IT support and general hand (2012 - 2015) \begin{itemize} \item General IT consulting for office staff \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Express Plastics} IT support and general hand (2013 - 2015) \begin{itemize} \item General IT consulting for office staff \end{itemize} \section{Education} \subsubsection{Blackwood High School} 2012 - 2013 \subsubsection{Australian Science and Mathematics School} 2014 - 2016 \end{document}