require('go').setup({ disable_defaults = false, -- true|false when true set false to all boolean settings and replace all table -- settings with {} go='go', -- go command, can be go[default] or go1.18beta1 goimport='gopls', -- goimport command, can be gopls[default] or goimport fillstruct = 'gopls', -- can be nil (use fillstruct, slower) and gopls gofmt = 'gofumpt', --gofmt cmd, max_line_len = 128, -- max line length in golines format, Target maximum line length for golines tag_transform = false, -- can be transform option("snakecase", "camelcase", etc) check gomodifytags for details and more options gotests_template = "", -- sets gotests -template parameter (check gotests for details) gotests_template_dir = "", -- sets gotests -template_dir parameter (check gotests for details) comment_placeholder = '' , -- comment_placeholder your cool placeholder e.g. ﳑ     icons = {breakpoint = '🧘', currentpos = '🏃'}, -- setup to `false` to disable icons setup verbose = false, -- output loginf in messages lsp_cfg = false, -- true: use non-default gopls setup specified in go/lsp.lua -- false: do nothing -- if lsp_cfg is a table, merge table with with non-default gopls setup in go/lsp.lua, e.g. -- lsp_cfg = {settings={gopls={matcher='CaseInsensitive', ['local'] = 'your_local_module_path', gofumpt = true }}} lsp_gofumpt = false, -- true: set default gofmt in gopls format to gofumpt lsp_on_attach = nil, -- nil: use on_attach function defined in go/lsp.lua, -- when lsp_cfg is true -- if lsp_on_attach is a function: use this function as on_attach function for gopls lsp_keymaps = true, -- set to false to disable gopls/lsp keymap lsp_codelens = true, -- set to false to disable codelens, true by default, you can use a function -- function(bufnr) -- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, "n", "F", "lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", {noremap=true, silent=true}) -- end -- to setup a table of codelens lsp_diag_hdlr = true, -- hook lsp diag handler -- virtual text setup lsp_diag_virtual_text = { space = 0, prefix = "" }, lsp_diag_signs = true, lsp_diag_update_in_insert = false, lsp_document_formatting = true, -- set to true: use gopls to format -- false if you want to use other formatter tool(e.g. efm, nulls) lsp_inlay_hints = { enable = true, -- Only show inlay hints for the current line only_current_line = false, -- Event which triggers a refersh of the inlay hints. -- You can make this "CursorMoved" or "CursorMoved,CursorMovedI" but -- not that this may cause higher CPU usage. -- This option is only respected when only_current_line and -- autoSetHints both are true. only_current_line_autocmd = "CursorHold", -- whether to show variable name before type hints with the inlay hints or not -- default: false show_variable_name = true, -- prefix for parameter hints parameter_hints_prefix = " ", show_parameter_hints = true, -- prefix for all the other hints (type, chaining) other_hints_prefix = "=> ", -- whether to align to the lenght of the longest line in the file max_len_align = false, -- padding from the left if max_len_align is true max_len_align_padding = 1, -- whether to align to the extreme right or not right_align = false, -- padding from the right if right_align is true right_align_padding = 6, -- The color of the hints highlight = "Comment", }, gopls_cmd = nil, -- if you need to specify gopls path and cmd, e.g {"/home/user/lsp/gopls", "-logfile","/var/log/gopls.log" } gopls_remote_auto = true, -- add -remote=auto to gopls gocoverage_sign = "█", sign_priority = 5, -- change to a higher number to override other signs dap_debug = true, -- set to false to disable dap dap_debug_keymap = true, -- true: use keymap for debugger defined in go/dap.lua -- false: do not use keymap in go/dap.lua. you must define your own. -- windows: use visual studio keymap dap_debug_gui = true, -- set to true to enable dap gui, highly recommand dap_debug_vt = true, -- set to true to enable dap virtual text -- build_tags = "tag1,tag2", -- set default build tags textobjects = true, -- enable default text jobects through treesittter-text-objects test_runner = 'go', -- one of {`go`, `richgo`, `dlv`, `ginkgo`} verbose_tests = true, -- set to add verbose flag to tests run_in_floaterm = false, -- set to true to run in float window. :GoTermClose closes the floatterm -- float term recommand if you use richgo/ginkgo with terminal color trouble = false, -- true: use trouble to open quickfix test_efm = false, -- errorfomat for quickfix, default mix mode, set to true will be efm only luasnip = false, -- enable included luasnip snippets. you can also disable while add lua/snips folder to luasnip load -- Do not enable this if you already added the path, that will duplicate the entries })